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let me tread my enemy, oh GOD

Luke 10:19 (KJV)  Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

It's Sunday on 00:58 am, which is the new commitment I will starting again. I did looping, but the thing I know is my enemy has on my radar, so I will keep searching their strategy. I will not fali, I learn, and I will with my GOD is in me, that has the name about the name Jesus Christ.

Yes, the eyes, will be have clarity, and the thought will get the calmness. It's come from HIM, that I will worshipping for ever and ever. In this short time, I will get through the final, and finish it, with peacefully, because I get my GOD in time, because I know I can do nothing. 

So let me LORD, oh Almighty GOD, let me in the journey to tread down my enemy, and let YOU come into me to fight my battles. When I get win over and over, I praise YOU all the time. Because only YOU deserve to be praise. Amen.
let me tread my enemy, oh GOD let me tread my enemy, oh GOD Reviewed by Alfiyanto.J.S on 1:07 AM Rating: 5

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